Kasper Hermansen

    I am cramped

    This post describes the ideals and values of my upcoming data platform for my homelab

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    Superior caching with dagger

    Dagger is an up-and-coming ci/cd orchestration tool as code, this may sound abstract, but it is quite simple, read on to learn more.

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    Streamlining Tooling Management: The Idea Behind `Cuddle`

    In this post I go over `cuddle`, which is an advanced code-sharing tool built so solve maintainability issues around templating, scaffolding and sharing of project specific tools

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    Running Grafana Kiosk on a Raspberry pi

    The motivation behind setting up a raspberry pi for kiosk mode, and sacrificing a tv, is that at work we've got kind of this control center factor, where at a glance, we can quickly get an overview of a problem. If an alert goes, it is super easy to just look up and there you go, you can see the spike in CPU, requests you name it.

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    Revisiting my Personal Platform in 2023

    The tech landscape moves fast, and as a Platform/Developer experience engineer I like to stay up to date with recent technology and approaches so that I can deliver the best and most solid approach for my engineers. As such in this blog post I will explore what my personal development stack looks like, and how I want to kick it up a notch and reflect on the challenges I've had in the previous year. Strap in because this is gonna be a janky ride. But first I will dig into why I've got a personal platform and why that might be useful for you as well.

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